
Sunday, October 24, 2010

I Got Nothing...

by Dominique Eastwick

            So, for weeks I have been trying to come up with something for this blog…really pounding my brain. And, still I have nothing. It would seem that my Muse Thalia, the muse of Comedy, thinks it’s a funny joke to leave me stranded.  Not so funny where I am standing.  Not only is this blog about nothing, the rest of my writing isn’t fairing so well either.

I thought about writing a blog on “Googling Your Book Name Before Submitting It”… Had I done that I would have realized that searching for HUNTING JC would have lead me to a man JC, who loves to hunt dear.  Now you see why I didn’t blog about that… it would have been the shortest blog ever at 33 words.

So, since Thalia has taken a vacation, I decided to read this month, and read I have!  I’ve  read amazing books by Kate Richards, Lizzie T. Leaf, CJ England, Olivia Stark, Becca Dale, Juliet Cardin, and I am just starting something by Stephanie Beck.  With the hopes that I will be reading something by Valerie Mann before the end of the month.  Why am I reading so much? I am hoping that something from one of these talented authors will wear off on me. Send me some of your mojo, ladies J

Any that’s all I got I have rambles and wasted your time enough.  If you would like to leave me a note about what gets your Muse to work with you or what inspires you to write, I will give one poor soul who actually read this whole silly blog post a copy of Hunting JC. If you already have it I will think of something else. Not sure what, but it will come to me…

What ever you do, happy writing and happy reading and Happy Halloween!


  1. Oh thanks for ths shout out Dominique, and great blog!

  2. The best thing to do when you're not working the writing is to read!! Thanks for the shout!!

  3. Thanks for the kind words, Dominique, but remember you are a very talented lady yourself. Never doubt that. I don't.

  4. You read my books? That was so sweet of you! You are been one of the authors who gave me the nerve to submit to start with, you know! Thanks very much. I think we inspire each other a great deal.

  5. LOL! For a blog about absolutely nothing - I thought it was great. :-)
