
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

All Hallow's Eve

  All Hallow's Eve

by Amber Kallyn

Call it what you will, All Saints Eve, Samhain, All Hallows Eve or Halloween.

The ancient Celts believed that on this night, the border between this world and the Otherworld became thin, allowing spirits to pass through. Good... or bad.

Now-a-days, rather than dressing up in a scary costume to keep the spirits at bay (or blend in with them), you can find any costume you could dream of.
Do I still dress up? Heck yeah.

Luckily, I have the excuse of young children. For now.

This year, I’ve narrowed my choices to a purple and blue fairy, or a zombie prom queen.

But Halloween isn’t just about dressing up in costumes that can transport you to different worlds. Costumes that can turn you -- at least for one night -- into a different person, or different creature.

Halloween is also a time to celebrate the changing of the seasons. Or, at least, that’s what I’m told. Here in Arizona, we only have two -- long hot summers and brief, cool winters.

Elsewhere, the leaves are changing color and soon snow will fall.

To me, Halloween is almost like New Years. It’s the beginning of something new. It’s a celebration of the paranormal. And it’s a time to be whoever you want to be.

You tell me. What does Halloween mean for you, and if you’re dressing up, what -- or who -- do you plan to be?

What happens when a dragon falls in love with a fireman? Someone's bound to get... 


When Calla, a dragon shifter, heads to a sleepy mountain town to investigate their recent arson outbreak, she doesn't expect to come face to face with the dark dragon who killed her mother, or find her destined mate beneath the burning rays of the moon.
Firefighter Scott O'Neil can't fight his attraction to her, even after he finds out what she is, and the shocking secret of his own past.

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